Why do I want someone who doesn't realize that he wants me?
Why am I 30 years old with no children, no husband, no house, no car?
Why do I have moments when I think I'm pretty and others when I think I'm the scurge of the earth?
Why am I such a huge fan of the arts?
Why can't I say what's really on my mind when I'm around you?
Why am I the biggest dreamer in life?
Why did God make me so sensitive?
Why can't I be more cold-hearted?
Why did I give the men I've given chances, chances?
Why does it bother me that you've taken others out, but you've never taken me?
Why do I dream about the same guy every night?
Why do little children make me smile so brightly?
Why can't I just be the person who walks past homeless people and not give a damn?
Why do I have the ability to blend into any social situation in which I am placed?
Why did I grow up with no siblings?
Why was I really given up for adoption?
Why do I sometimes feel unlovable?
Why can't I be skinny and petite?
Why do the movies "Stepmom", "Meet Joe Black", "Up", "The Lake House", and countless others make me cry?
Why am I a crybaby?
Why was I popular in high school?
Why was I popular in college?
Why do I feel like I stay in the middle of a storm?
Why won't anyone take a chance on me?
Why am I intimate when he's just getting laid?
Why can I always find a reason to laugh out loud?
Why am I a beast in the kitchen?
Why don't I drink?
Why am I afraid of the silence?
Why do I miss my grandmother right now?
Why do I love my lips but hate my hips?
Why am I crestfallen?
Why do I dislike bell peppers so intensely?
Why does it bother me when Charlie Wilson sings "onliest one"?
Why have I found new inspiration?
Why do I have new motivation?
Why am I beginning to doubt my calling?
Why am I such a passionate being?
Why am I proud of my skills?
Why can't I always paint with all the colors of the wind?
Why am I nostalgic?
Why do I love words?
Why am I terrified of failing and succeeding?
Why do I love myself?
Why do I care what others think of me?
Why am I a walking conundrum?
Why do I look good in a sexy pair of heels?
Why am I sexy today?
Why haven't I visited Spain and Italy yet?
Why am I most alive when I meditate on death?
Why did I write any of these questions?
Why am I petrified of the answers?
It's Time To Move On...
9 years ago
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