Friday, April 23, 2010

Death At A Funeral

I'm not going to go into a full review of this movie.  Movie reviews aren't really my strong point.  I tend to give too much away.  But, I will say this: It was actually pretty good.  Large ensemble casts of well-known and pretty-well-known (sp?  I just made that up) actors tend to lack something.  However, for a movie about a funeral the large cast really worked. 

My main reason for writing this is to laude praises onto one actor in particular - James Marsden.

The movie made me laugh, every now and then, with all of the various characters and antics.  But the movie was HILARIOUS because of James Marsden and his portrayal of his character.  The man, who has played Cyclops in the "X-Men" movies, romantic leading man in "27 Dresses", & Prince Edward in "Enchanted" is a comedic genius.  It makes no sense to be that funny and that on point every single time the camera is on you.  He was the only reason I'd watch the movie over and over again. 

You may not have planned on seeing this film, but if you get a chance, when it becomes available On Demand or in a Redbox somewhere, pay the $1 and get ready to laugh-out-loud. 

One more thing, be prepared to hear "Amazing Grace" sung in a way that you have never heard before.


Dwayne L. Shephard said...

It looks as if SOMEONE is smitten with Mr. James Marsden....huh? lol

SiaDreams said...

Yeah, I must admit that I am. I liked him in other roles, but I love him now!